GCTF Initiative on Addressing the Nexus Between Climate Change and Violent Extremism

The GCTF Initiative on Addressing the Nexus Between Climate Change and Violent Extremism is a collaborative effort led by Germany and Kenya, with GCERF serving as implementing partner. It aims to tackle the intertwined issues of climate change and violent extremism, particularly prevalent in regions like the East and Horn of Africa. This Initiative will build on the following GCTF outputs:  Gender and PCVE toolkit and the GCTF Good Practice on Women and CVE note and its Addendum, National-Local Cooperation toolkit and GCTF Recommendations for Funding and Enabling Community-Level PCVE

This Initiative recognizes the detrimental effects of climate change on livelihoods, resource availability, and overall stability, which in turn contribute to create fragilities in the society that could be exploited by violent extremist groups. The objectives of the Initiative are multifaceted, seeking to enhance understanding of climate-induced vulnerabilities, foster partnerships between stakeholders in peacebuilding and climate action, build capacity to address climate-induced threats. By using East Africa as a case study, the Initiative aims to develop a globally relevant Framework Document featuring actionable recommendations developed ensuring inclusivity and diversity representation.

The Initiative's approach emphasizes collaboration and coordination with existing GCTF Initiatives, as well as engagement with regional and international organizations.