As established by the Joint UN-GCTF Ministerial Statement, issued at the Ninth GCTF Ministerial Plenary Meeting in September 2018 in New York, the relationship with the United Nations (UN) and its specialized agencies is of utmost importance to the GCTF. Particularly regarding counterterrorism (CT) and preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE).
The GCTF supports and promotes global efforts to implement the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy (2006), reviewed in June 2021, and the UN CT Framework more broadly, including the UN Secretary-General’s Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism (2016) and relevant UN Security Council Resolutions.
With the establishment of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact and its Working Groups in 2019, the close and mutually reinforcing relationship between the two organizations continues to evolve. Regular coordination meetings between the Co-Chairs of the GCTF and its Working Groups and the Global Compact Working Groups strengthen cooperation on a practical and structural basis, and establish further coordination on programming and priorities.
The UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) serves as the coordination focal point for the GCTF in its engagements with Global Compact entities. The GCTF has partnered with several Global Compact entities on a wide range of activities, including the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED), the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
Counter-Terrorism Compact and other United Nation entities actively contribute to GCTF activities, including partnering with GCTF Members to co-lead several GCTF Initiatives that have resulted in the development of the GCTF resources:
For more information on the entities that are signatories to the Counter-Terrorism Compact, as member or observer, please click here.