About the GCTF

The Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) is an informal, apolitical, multilateral counterterrorism platform. It is small, nimble, inclusive, and consensus-based. Its overarching mission is to reduce the vulnerability of people worldwide to terrorism by mobilizing expertise and resources to prevent, combat, and prosecute terrorist acts and counter incitement and recruitment to terrorism. 

The Forum brings together policymakers and practitioners from around the world to share experiences and expertise, and to develop practical, publicly available tools and strategies on how to prevent and counter the evolving terrorist threat. The GCTF is currently co-chaired by Egypt and the European Union. 

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What is the GCTF?


Private Sector Helps Youth Hone Digital Skills

Private Sector Helps Youth Hone Digital Skills

In line with the GCTF good practice of engaging the private sector to increase vocational and technical capacities of youth, GCERF partnered with IHS Towers in Nigeria to train young people in basic information and communications technology skills. The training certified 120 young people over four days in Kano state.                                       

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Rediscovering Childhood After Camps in Syria

Rediscovering Childhood After Camps in Syria

In Albania, GCERF, a GCTF Inspired Institution, supports returnees from conflicts abroad—and their families—to reintegrate into their communities. Local partners provide services for returnees, covering housing, educational and medical needs. Read more »
Effective Judicial Responses to Terrorist Offenses

Effective Judicial Responses to Terrorist Offenses

Through online sessions, the IIJ worked with East and West African criminal justice practitioners to encourage them to investigate and prosecute terrorism offences using the full range of legal tools at their disposal, including laws focused on sexual and gender-based violence crimes and other core international crimes. Read more »
Reintegration & Resocialization: a Mother’s Story

Reintegration & Resocialization: a Mother’s Story

In Kosovo, GCERF, a GCTF Inspired Institution, supports returnees from conflicts abroad—and their families—to reintegrate into their communities. One mother of five shares her experience.

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