A Multitude of P/CVE Perspectives

A Multitude of P/CVE Perspectives

14 February 2023

The Countering Violent Extremism Working Group (CVE WG) Co-Chairs Australia and Indonesia, hosted the fourth workshop under its Initiative on Funding and Enabling P/CVE initiatives at the Community Level, supported by GCERF. This workshop brought together P/CVE practitioners and policymakers to share knowledge and good practices sharing in funding and enabling P/CVE initiatives at the community level.

Tackling violent extremism requires a multi-faceted approach. The initiative, led by the CVE Working Group Co-Chairs, Australia and Indonesia, is part of the Strategic 2022-24 Work Plan. CVE WG objectives include identifying solutions to overcome barriers to funding to enable community-level P/CVE interventions. Building on lessons learned from funding tailored, localized interventions by the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) and others, this Initiative enables the development of useful recommendations to help fast-track the localisation of P/CVE initiatives and efforts within respective national contexts and helps identify good emerging practices.

“It is critical to continue collaborating on a coordinated response with all Members and partners to share practical, action-oriented steps for P/CVE that will result in enhanced and sustainable funding/investment in local actors, frameworks, and programs across all levels of government and whole-of-society approaches to reduce barriers to funding to enable community-level P/CVE interventions”, added one of the Co-Chairs of the Working Group.

This workshop is a follow-up to the previous workshops. The first two workshops identified key barriers and challenges for funding and enabling P/CVE from various perspectives including the use of sensitive terminology, reaching low capacity/ visibility organizations, compliance and sustainability, and localized design, monitoring and evaluation of community-level P/CVE projects and initiatives. Discussions in the third workshop led to the identification of some good practices in addressing those barriers and challenges identified in previous workshops. Experts from the CVE community, the GCTF Members, non-member countries, the GCTF Inspired Institutions, United Nations entities, civil society organizations and non-governmental organizations shared insights on the topic.

The Initiative engages a wide range of stakeholders, with the recommendations aimed at both traditional as well as non-traditional donors, such as the private sector and social enterprises at national and international levels. Bringing P/CVE practitioners and policymakers together supports deeper discussions around the challenges involved with community-level initiatives and helps promote the sharing of best practices. The best practices can be tailored to local, national needs with the aim to strengthen the resilience of communities and society.