Exploring scenarios for the GCTF “REMVE” Toolkit

1-2 March & 9-10 March 2022

Exploring scenarios for the GCTF “REMVE” Toolkit

Following the launch of the “REMVE” Toolkit Initiative, the GCTF hosted a series of workshops to dive into the development of this practical resource. Using scenario-based discussions, participants explored the policy, operational and legal challenges of REMVE-related threats.

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The GCTF Launches A “REMVE” Toolkit Initiative

3 February 2022

The GCTF Launches A “REMVE” Toolkit Initiative
Building on earlier exploratory dialogues to examine this specific threat, the GCTF launched a “REMVE” Toolkit Initiative. During the inaugural activity, participants discussed the legal, policy, and operational objectives for the toolkit and touched on key issues relating to countering “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremism”. Read more »

National-Local P/CVE Cooperation Good Practices

29 December & 6 December 2021

National-Local P/CVE Cooperation Good Practices

The GCTF Countering Violent Extremism Working Group, co-chaired by Australia and Indonesia, held the first in a series of workshops under the Initiative on the Practical Use of the GCTF Memorandum on Good Practices on National-Local Cooperation in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism. The Strong Cities Network is the implementing partner.

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Funding and Enabling Community-Level P/CVE

3 November 2021

Funding and Enabling Community-Level P/CVE
The GCTF Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Working Group, co-chaired by Australia and Indonesia, and supported by the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF), held the first of a series of workshops under the Initiative on Funding and Enabling Community-Level P/CVE: Challenges, Recommendations and Emerging Good Practices. Read more »

Safeguarding Civic Space and CFT Measures

6 May 2021

Safeguarding Civic Space and CFT Measures

The Netherlands, Morocco, and the United Nations, Co-Leads of the GCTF Initiative on “Ensuring the Effective Implementation of Countering the Financing of Terrorism Measures While Safeguarding Civic Space”, held the last expert meeting to share reflections on the good practices identified to date.

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Maritime Security & Terrorism in the Mediterranean

15 April 2021

Maritime Security & Terrorism in the Mediterranean

The United States, GCTF Maritime Security and Terrorist Travel Initiative Lead, hosted the last in series of regionally-focused webinars to raise awareness of terrorists' current and potential misuse of the maritime sector for travel, to share expertise, and to promote discussion of national approaches to counter this threat.

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Public-Private Partnerships in the Maritime Domain

30 March 2021

Public-Private Partnerships in the Maritime Domain

The GCTF Maritime Security and Terrorist Travel Initiative hosted a virtual event on Public-Private Partnerships in the maritime domain.

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Maritime Security & Terrorist Travel: MENA Region

11 March 2021

Maritime Security & Terrorist Travel: MENA Region


The United States, Lead of the GCTF Maritime Security and Terrorist Travel Initiative, hosted the fifth in a series of region-specific webinars to raise awareness of terrorists' current and potential misuse of the maritime sector for travel, to promote discussion of national approaches to counter terrorists' exploitation of the maritime sector, and to share experiences and expertise.


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Countering the Financing of Terrorism Measures While Safeguarding Civic Space

9-10 March 2021

Countering the Financing of Terrorism Measures While Safeguarding Civic Space

The Netherlands, Morocco, and the United Nations, Co-Leads of the GCTF Initiative on “Ensuring the Effective Implementation of Countering the Financing of Terrorism Measures While Safeguarding Civic Space”, held the third of a series of three expert meetings.


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