Transforming Good Practices into Recommendations for Funding and Enabling Community-level P/CVE - the Sixth Workshop

01 June 2023

Transforming Good Practices into Recommendations for Funding and Enabling Community-level P/CVE - the Sixth Workshop

The Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Working Group hosted its sixth workshop under its Initiative on Funding and Enabling P/CVE initiatives at the Community Level, supported by the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) as implementing partner. This session builds on the previous workshop, highlighting knowledge and best practice sharing in funding and enabling local P/CVE initiatives, while working towards the drafting of the framework document of recommendations.

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GCTF 21st Coordinating Committee Meeting Side Event - Addressing the Challenges Related to the Reintegration and Rehabilitation of FTFs and their Associated Family Members

02 May 2023

GCTF 21st Coordinating Committee Meeting Side Event - Addressing the Challenges Related to the Reintegration and Rehabilitation of FTFs and their Associated Family Members

Rehabilitating and reintegrating FTFs and their family members is complex on social, security and human rights dimensions. To gain a better understanding, collective dialogue and information exchange on capacity building and on the strengthening of good practices tailored to local contexts and human security perspectives, is essential.

On 2 May, an interactive, in-person side event was made possible by the Foreign Terrorist Fighter Working Group (FTF WG), co-chaired by the United States and Jordan, and the Countering Violent Extremism Working Group (CVE WG), co-chaired by Australia and Indonesia, on the margins of the 21st  GCTF Coordinating Committee Meeting in Cairo, Egypt.

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GCTF Criminal Justice and Rule of Law (CJ-ROL) Working Group - Plenary Meeting

27 April 2023

GCTF Criminal Justice and Rule of Law (CJ-ROL) Working Group - Plenary Meeting

Judicial independence includes the duty and ability of a judge to decide each case on the basis of an objective evaluation of evidence that is presented, and an impartial application of the law, without the influence of outside factors – to ensure that the fundamental rights of all parties to a case have been fully respected. The Plenary Meeting of the GCTF Criminal Justice and Rule of Law (CJ-ROL) Working Group is the first under the Working Group Co-Chairs, Italy and Nigeria. The meeting provides an opportunity for the Co-Chairs to present the Working Group’s main priority areas, and for the participants to reflect on current practices and provide strategic guidance.

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Transforming Good Practices into Recommendations for Funding and Enabling Community-level P/CVE

04 April 2023

Transforming Good Practices into Recommendations for Funding and Enabling Community-level P/CVE

The Countering Violent Extremism Working Group (CVE WG) hosted its fifth workshop under its Initiative on Funding and Enabling P/CVE initiatives at the Community Level, supported by GCERF as implementing partner. This session builds on the fourth workshop that highlighted knowledge and best practice sharing in the funding and enablement of local P/CVE initiatives.

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Strengthening National and Regional Cooperation in the Security and Justice Sectors to Counter Terrorism in West Africa.

28 - 30 March 2023

Strengthening National and Regional Cooperation in the Security and Justice Sectors to Counter Terrorism in West Africa.

Terrorist groups’ activities transcends national borders. The transnational nature of the terrorist threat requires strong interagency cooperation, regionally and nationally, to prevent and counter terrorism. The GCTF West Africa Working Group Co-Chairs, Algeria, and Germany, organized the “Strengthening National and Regional Cooperation in the Security and Justice Sectors to Counter Terrorism in West Africa” regional meeting to discuss ways to strengthen national and regional cooperation in the security and justice sectors to prevent and counter terrorism in the West African region.

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A Multitude of P/CVE Perspectives

14 February 2023

A Multitude of P/CVE Perspectives

The Countering Violent Extremism Working Group (CVE WG) hosted its fourth workshop under its Initiative on Funding and Enabling P/CVE initiatives at the Community Level, supported by GCERF. This session builds on the third workshop, highlighting knowledge and best practice sharing in funding and enabling local P/CVE initiatives.

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Returning Families in Central Asia

18 October 2022

Returning Families in Central Asia

Returning family members of foreign terrorist fighters often represent a complex combination of victim, perpetrator, and witness — requiring complex and multi-stakeholder approaches that are trauma-informed and require age, gender, and culturally sensitive responses, from intake procedures through intervention programs, criminal justice responses, and community reconciliation.

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Women & Criminal Justice Responses to Terrorism

20 September 2022

Women & Criminal Justice Responses to Terrorism
The GCTF East Africa Working Group held a side event on the margins of the Twentieth GCTF Coordinating Committee in New York. The event sought to promote gender-sensitive approaches to leadership, policymaking and processes related to criminal justice responses to terrorism in East Africa. Read more »

Counterterrorism Perspectives in West Africa

21-23 June 2022

Counterterrorism Perspectives in West Africa
The GCTF Capacity-Building in the West Africa Region Working Group convened its second Plenary Meeting under the current co-chair mandate in Accra, Ghana. Discussions focused on regional and cross border priorities related to preventing and countering terrorism and explored ways to further enhance capacity building and cooperation in the region. Read more »