Returning Families in MENA & the Mediterranean

22 June 2022

Returning Families in MENA & the Mediterranean

The return of family members of foreign terrorist fighters is an ongoing and increasingly salient issue. The GCTF FTF Working Group convened a regional workshop to look at integrating policy and practice related to returning families in the Mediterranean, North Africa, and the Middle East.

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CJ-ROL Working Group Fifth Plenary Meeting

9 June 2022

CJ-ROL Working Group Fifth Plenary Meeting

At its fifth Plenary Meeting, the GCTF Criminal Justice and Rule of Law Working Group discussed supporting the development of effective criminal justice systems within a rule of law framework and with full respect for human rights in the counterterrorism field.

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A Gendered Approach to P/CVE and CT Efforts

10 - 11 May 2022

A Gendered Approach to P/CVE and CT Efforts
The GCTF East Africa and West Africa Working Groups brought together regional actors to focus on gender at the intersection of counterterrorism roles and practices. Advancing gender considerations in counterterrorism and P/CVE was a central discussion point. The Forum held its first in-person activity in over two years in Senegal. Read more »

Narratives, Mindsets, Behavior: CVE in West Africa

7-8 December 2021

Narratives, Mindsets, Behavior: CVE in West Africa

In recent years, violent extremism conducive to terrorism has significantly increased in West Africa and the Sahel region. The GCTF Capacity-Building in the West Africa Region Working Group convened a virtual workshop to discuss this subject focusing on narratives, mindsets and behaviors.

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Transitional Justice Approach to FTFs

1 December 2021

Transitional Justice Approach to FTFs

The GCTF Criminal Justice and Rule of Law Working Group organized a one-off meeting to explore the relevance of transitional justice approaches in contexts with a terrorism dimension, and to look at opportunities and challenges for how transitional justice approaches may contribute to a comprehensive, rights-based, rule-of-law approach to foreign terrorist fighters.

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Terrorism and Organized Crime Nexus in East Africa

13 September 2021

Terrorism and Organized Crime Nexus in East Africa

The GCTF Capacity-Building in the East Africa Region Working Group convened its Fourth Plenary Meeting focused on the nexus between terrorism and transnational organized crime. The discussion enabled a better understanding of emerging trends, the identification of lessons learned, good practices and existing gaps to tackle the nexus.

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Countering the Financing of Terrorism in West Africa

6-7 July 2021

Countering the Financing of Terrorism in West Africa

The GCTF Capacity-Building in the West Africa Region Working Group convened a virtual workshop on countering the financing of terrorism. The workshop provided an opportunity for regional actors to share lessons learned, good practices, and results achieved.

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GCTF Exploratory Dialogues on REMVE

21 and 29 April 2021

GCTF Exploratory Dialogues on REMVE

The GCTF convened two exploratory dialogues on Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism (REMVE). These discussions advanced a common understanding of this threat among the Forum’s members, including through exploring differences in terminology, and considering how existing GCTF resources can contribute to efforts to counter this driver of instability. 

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CJ-ROL Working Group Reviews Memorandum

8-9 June 2021

CJ-ROL Working Group Reviews Memorandum

The GCTF Criminal Justice and Rule of Law (CJ-ROL) Working Group, co-chaired by Nigeria and Switzerland, held a Review Meeting to discuss the draft Memorandum on Criminal Justice Approaches to the Linkages between Terrorism and International Crimes (War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity, Genocide), Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling.

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